About 2 Years Ago…

About 2 years ago my principal asked me if I’d be interested in attending a workshop called “Innovative Pedagogy”.  Little did I know how it was going to forever change me.  I listened to a principal from Alberta, George Couros, speak about how important it was to be innovative in our teaching.  He spoke about the importance of technology in our classrooms and our responsibility as educators to not necessarily move with the times, but to move forward.  He encouraged people to tweet, start a blog, and reflect on their own practices.  He shared YouTube and Vine videos, Twitter feeds, sketch notes, family photos and home movies.  He spoke of his family, his students, and his journey.  I took in every last word.  I sat there in awe of this person standing in front of me, who with every word inspired me to be a better teacher, to be innovative, to move forward.  About 2 years ago I had the absolute privilege of meeting someone who sparked the flame within me that reignited my passion for teaching and my desire to learn.

This blog post is my first.  This blog is my journey, the journey of an inspired teacher.