• A Tribute to a Legend: A Eulogy

    A Tribute to a Legend: A Eulogy

    I knew I was going to be standing up here speaking today.  I wanted to be the person standing up here speaking.  I neededto be the person standing up here speaking.  But as I sat in front of my computer for hours on end, I had no words.  I couldn’t think of anything…

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  • Hurry Up and Wait

    Hurry Up and Wait

    I’ll have been living out of a small suitcase between hotels and a hospital just shy of three weeks.  My life has been some cruel waiting game.  I waited for the hospital to call to say he made it there. Then I waited for them to call me to tell…

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  • Empower Them

    Empower Them

    I recently read a statistic about Canadians in STEM careers, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math careers which are generally dominated by men. Only 22% of Canadians in STEM careers are women. It got me thinking about gender roles and stereotypes and the struggles that come with those. Growing up in…

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  • My Daughter, The Teacher

    My Daughter, The Teacher

    Seven years ago my father passed away. I received a phone call in the middle of my day that forever changed my life – in every way. As I sat in the funeral home and greeted family, friends and strangers, I tried to make sense of what was happening around…

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  • A Thank You Letter to My Parents

    A Thank You Letter to My Parents

    We are coming to the end of our very hectic first term in Grade 1 and I thought it the perfect opportunity to say thank you to all of the parents and families that support me on this incredible journey I am on.  Here goes: Dear Parents, As we come…

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  • Who’s On First?

    Who’s On First?

    Last week I had the absolute privilege of attending the Bring I.T. Together conference in Niagara Falls with my very good friend Pat.  It was one of the most incredible and inspiring experiences I have been able to be a part of in my professional career and I was so…

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  • About 2 Years Ago…

    About 2 Years Ago…

    About 2 years ago my principal asked me if I’d be interested in attending a workshop called “Innovative Pedagogy”.  Little did I know how it was going to forever change me.  I listened to a principal from Alberta, George Couros, speak about how important it was to be innovative in our…

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